CSE Course Outcomes
1-1 And 1-2 Semester
1. To imporve the language proficiency of the students in English with emphasis on LSRW skills.
2. To enable the students to study and comprehend the prescribed lessons and subjects more effectively relating to their theorotical and practical components.
3. To develop the communication skills of the students in both formal and informal situations.
1. To enable the students to appreciate the role of listening skill and improve their pronounciation.
2. To enable the students to comprehend the speech of people belonging to different backgrounds and regions.
3. To enable the students to listen for general content, to fill up information and for specific information.
1. To make the students aware of the importance of speaking for their personal and professional communication.
2. To enable the students to express themselves fluently and accurately in social and professional success.
3. To help the students describe objects, situations and people.
1. To enable the students to comprehend a text through silent reading.
2. To enable the students to guess the meanings of words, messages and inferences of texts in
given contexts.
3. To enable the students to skim and scan a text.
1. To make the students understand that writing is an exact formal skills.
2. To enable the students to write sentences and paragraphs.
3. To make the students identify and use appropriate vocabulary.
1. Using English languages, both written and spoken, competently and correctly.
2. Improving comprehension and fluency of speech.
3. Gaining confidence in using English in verbal situations.
Course Objectives:
1. The course is designed to equip the students with the necessary mathematical skills and techniques that are essential for an engineering course.
2. The skills derived from the course will help the student from a necessary base to develop analytic and design concepts.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the Course, Student will be able to:
1. Solve linear differential equations of first, second and higher order.
2. Determine Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of various functions and use Laplace transforms to determine general solution to linear ODE.
3. Calculate total derivative, Jocobian and minima of functions of two variables.
Course Objectives:
1. The course is designed to equip the students with the necessary mathematical skills and techniques that are essential for an engineering course.
2. The skills derived from the course will help the student from a necessary base to develop analytic and design concepts.
3. Understand the most basic numerical methods to solve simultaneous linear equations.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, Student will be able to:
1. Calculate a root of algebraic and transcendental equations. Explain relation between the finite difference operators.
2. Compute interpolating polynomial for the given data.
3. Solve ordinary differential equations numerically using Euler’s and RK method.
4. Find Fourier series and Fourier transforms for certain functions.
5. Identify/classify and solve the different types of partial differential equations.
OBJECTIVES: Physics curriculum which is re-oriented to the needs of Circuital branches of graduate engineering courses offered by JNTUniv.Kkd. that serves as a transit to understand the branch specific advanced topics. The courses are designed to:
• Impart Knowledge of Physical Optics phenomena like Interference, Diffraction and
Polarization involving required to design instruments with higher resolution.
• Teach Concepts of coherent sources, its realization and utility optical instrumentation.
• Study the concepts regarding the bulk response of materials to the EM fields and their
analytically study in the back-drop of basic quantum mechanics.
• Understand the physics of Semiconductors and their working mechanism for their utility in
Construction and working details of instruments, ie., Interferometer, Diffractometer and Polarimeter are learnt. Study EM-fields and semiconductors under the concepts of Quantum mechanics paves way for their optimal utility.
Formulating algorithmic solutions to problems and implementing algorithms in C.
• Notion of Operation of a CPU, Notion of an algorithm and computational procedure, editing and executing programs in Linux.
• Understanding branching, iteration and data representation using arrays.
• Modular programming and recursive solution formulation.
• Understanding pointers and dynamic memory allocation.
• Understanding miscellaneous aspects of C.
• Comprehension of file operations
• Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming.
• Write, compile and debug programs in C language.
• Use different data types in a computer program.
• Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
• Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference.
Objective: Engineering drawing being the principle method of communication for engineers, the objective to introduce the students, the techniques of constructing the various types of polygons, curves and scales. The objective is also to visualize and represent the 3D objects in 2D planes with
proper dimensioning, scaling etc.
• To introduce the use and the application of drawing instruments and to make the students construct the polygons, curves and various types of scales. The student will be able to understand the need to enlarge or reduce the size of objects in representing them.
• To introduce orthographic projections and to project the points and lines parallel to one plane and inclined to other.
• To make the students draw the projections of the lines inclined to both the planes.
• To make the students draw the projections of the plane inclined to both the planes.
I – II Semester
1. To imporve the language proficiency of the students in English with emphasis on LSRW skills.
2. To enable the students to study and comprehend the prescribed lessons and subjects more effectively relating to their theorotical and practical components.
3. To develop the communication skills of the students in both formal and informal situations.
1. To enable the students to appreciate the role of listening skill and improve their pronounciation.
2. To enable the students to comprehend the speech of people belonging to different backgrounds and regions.
3. To enable the students to listen for general content, to fill up information and for specific information.
1. To make the students aware of the importance of speaking for their personal and professional communication.
2. To enable the students to express themselves fluently and accurately in social and professional success.
1. To enable the students to comprehend a text through silent reading.
2. To enable the students to guess the meanings of words, messages and inferences of texts in given contexts.
1. To make the students understand that writing is an exact formal skills.
2. To enable the students to write sentences and paragraphs.
3. To make the students identify and use appropriate vocabulary.
1. The class are to be learner-centered where the learners are to read the texts to get a comprehensive idea of those texts on their own with the help of the peer group and the teacher.
2. Integrated skill development methodology has to be adopted with focus on individual language skills as per the tasks/exercise.
Course Objectives:
1. The course is designed to equip the students with the necessary mathematical skills and techniques that are essential for an engineering course.
2. The skills derived from the course will help the student from a necessary base to develop analytic and design concepts.
3. Understand the most basic numerical methods to solve simultaneous linear equations.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, Student will be able to:
1. Determine rank, Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors of a given matrix and solve simultaneous linear equations.
2. Solve simultaneous linear equations numerically using various matrix methods.
3. Determine double integral over a region and triple integral over a volume.
4. Calculate gradient of a scalar function, divergence and curl of a vector function.
• Plastics are nowadays used in household appliances; also they are used as composites (FRP) in aerospace industries.
• Fuels as a source of energy are a basic need of any industry, particularly industries like thermal power stations, steel industry, fertilizer industry etc., and hence they are introduced.
• The basics for the construction of galvanic cells as well as some of the sensors used in instruments are introduced. Also if corrosion is to be controlled, one has to understand the mechanism of corrosion which itself is explained by electrochemical theory.
• With the increase in demand, a wide variety of materials are coming up; some of them have excellent engineering properties and a few of these materials are introduced
The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. Fuels which are used commonly and their economics, advantages and limitations are discussed. Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood. The students would be now aware of materials like nano-materials and fullerenes and their uses. Similarly liquid crystals and superconductors are understood. The importance of green synthesis is well understood and how they are different from conventional methods is also explained. Conductance phenomenon is better understood. The students are exposed to some of the alternative fuels and their advantages and limitations.
• This course is designed to provide a comprehensive study of the C programming language. It stresses the strengths of C, which provide students with the means of writing efficient, maintainable and portable code. The nature of C language is emphasized in the wide variety of examples and applications. To learn and acquire art of computer programming. To know about some popular programming languages and how to choose • Programming language for solving a problem
• Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming
• Write, compile and debug programs in C language. Use different data types in a computer program.
• Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
• Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference
The objectives of the course is to impart
• Overall understanding of the natural resources
• Basic understanding of the ecosystem and its diversity
• Acquaintance on various environmental challenges induced due to unplanned anthropogenic activities
• An understanding of the environmental impact of developmental activities
The student should have knowledge on
• The natural resources and their importance for the sustenance of the life and recognize the need to conserve the natural resources
• The concepts of the ecosystem and its function in the environment. The need for protecting the producers and consumers in various ecosystems and their role in the food web
• The biodiversity of India and the threats to biodiversity, and conservation practices to protect the biodiversity.
The students completing this course are expected to understand the concepts of forces and its resolution in different planes, resultant of force system, Forces acting on a body, their free body diagrams using graphical methods. They are required to understand the concepts of centre of gravity and moments of inertia and their application, Analysis of frames and trusses, different types of motion, friction and application of work – energy method.
2-1 and 2-2 Semster
Statistics with R programming
After taking the course, students will be able to
Use R for statistical programming, computation, graphics, and modeling,
Write functions and use R in an efficient way,
Fit some basic types of statistical models
Use R in their own research,
Be able to expand their knowledge of R on their own.
OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
List motivation for learning a programming language
Access online resources for R and import new function packages into the R workspace
Import, review, manipulate and summarize data-sets in R
Explore data-sets to create testable hypotheses and identify appropriate statistical tests
Perform appropriate statistical tests using R Create and edit visualizations
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
To introduce the students to the topics and techniques of discrete methods and combinatorial reasoning.
To introduce a wide variety of applications. The algorithmic approach to the solution of problems is fundamental in discrete mathematics, and this approach reinforces the close ties between this discipline and the area of computer science.
OUTCOMES: Student will be able to demonstrate skills in solving mathematical problems
Student will be able to comprehend mathematical principles and logic
Student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of mathematical modeling and proficiency in using mathematical software
Student will be able to manipulate and analyze data numerically and/or graphically using appropriate Software
Student will be able to communicate effectively mathematical ideas/results verbally or in writing
Digital Logic Design
To introduce the basic tools for design with combinational and sequential digital logic and state machines.
To learn simple digital circuits in preparation for computer engineering
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
An ability to define different number systems, binary addition and subtraction, 2’s complement representation and operations with this representation.
An ability to understand the different switching algebra theorems and apply them for logic functions.
An ability to define the Karnaugh map for a few variables and perform an algorithmic reduction of logic functions.
An ability to define the other minimization methods for any number of variables Variable Entered Mapping (VEM) and Quine-MeCluskey (QM) Techniques and perform an algorithmic reduction of logic functions.
Data Structures through c++
To be familiar with basic techniques of object oriented principles and exception handling using C++
To be familiar with the concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism
Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables
Be familiar with advanced data structures such as balanced search trees, AVLTrees, and B Trees
Distinguish between procedures and object oriented programming.
Apply advanced data structure strategies for exploring complex data structures.
Compare and contrast various data structures and design techniques in the area of Performance.
Implement data structure algorithms through C++.
Incorporate data structures into the applications such as binary search trees, AVL and B Trees
Implement all data structures like stacks, queues, trees, lists and graphs and compare their Performance and trade offs
Python Programming
• Introduction to Scripting Language
Exposure to various problems solving approaches of computer science
Making Software easily right out of the box.
Experience with an interpreted Language.
To build software for real needs.
Prior Introduction to testing software
II-II Semster
To understand the software life cycle models.
To understand the software requirements and SRS document.
To understand the importance of modeling and modeling languages.
To design and develop correct and robust software products.
To understand the quality control and how to ensure good quality software.
To understand the planning and estimation of software projects.
To understand the implementation issues, validation and verification procedures.
To understand the maintenance of software
Define and develop a software project from requirement gathering to implementation.
Obtain knowledge about principles and practices of software engineering.
Focus on the fundamentals of modeling a software project.
Obtain knowledge about estimation and maintenance of software systems
Understanding the OOP’s concepts, classes and objects, threads, files, applets, swings and act.
This course introduces computer programming using the JAVA programming language with object-oriented programming principles.
Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using Java for network level programming and middleware development
Understand Java programming concepts and utilize Java Graphical User Interface in Program writing.
Write, compile, execute and troubleshoot Java programming for networking concepts.
Build Java Application for distributed environment.
Design and Develop multi-tier applications.
Identify and Analyze Enterprise applications.
Describe and implement a variety of advanced data structures (hash tables, priority queues, balanced search trees, graphs).
Analyze the space and time complexity of the algorithms studied in the course. • Identify different solutions for a given problem; analyze advantages and disadvantages to different solutions.
Demonstrate an understanding of external memory and external search and sorting algorithms.
Demonstrate an understanding of simple Entity-Relationship models for databases.
Be able to understand and apply amortised analysis on data structures, including binary search trees, mergable heaps, and disjoint sets.
Understand the implementation and complexity analysis of fundamental algorithms such as RSA, primality testing, max flow, discrete Fourier transform. • Have an idea of applications of algorithms in a variety of areas, including linear programming and duality, string matching, game-theory
Understand the architecture of a modern computer with its various processing units. Also the Performance measurement of the computer system.
In addition to this the memory management system of computer.
Students can understand the architecture of modern computer.
They can analyze the Performance of a computer using performance equation
Understanding of different instruction types.
Students can calculate the effective address of an operand by addressing modes
They can understand how computer stores positive and negative numbers.
Understanding of how a computer performs arithmetic operation of positive and negative numbers.
Introduce the student to the concepts of Theory of computation in computer science
The students should acquire insights into the relationship among formal languages, formal Grammars and automat.
Classify machines by their power to recognize languages,
Employ finite state machines to solve problems in computing,
Explain deterministic and non-deterministic machines,
Comprehend the hierarchy of problems arising in the computer science
To understand and describe syntax and semantics of programming languages
To understand data, data types, and basic statements
To understand call-return architecture and ways of implementing them
To understand object-orientation, concurrency, and event handling in programming languages
To develop programs in non-procedural programming paradigms
Describe syntax and semantics of programming languages
Explain data, data types, and basic statements of programming languages
Design and implement subprogram constructs, Apply object – oriented, concurrency, and event handling programming constructs
Develop programs in Scheme, ML, and Prolog
Understand and adopt new programming languages
3-1 and 3-2 Semster
- • Understand the basic concept of compiler design, and its different phases which will be helpful to construct new tools like LEX, YACC, etc.
- • Acquire knowledge in different phases and passes of Compiler, and specifying different types of tokens by lexical analyzer, and also able to use the Compiler tools like LEX, YACC, etc.
- • Parser and its types i.e. Top-down and Bottom-up parsers.
- • Construction of LL, SLR, CLR and LALR parse table.
- • Syntax directed translation, synthesized and inherited attributes.
- • Techniques for code optimization.
- • Written technical communication and effective use of concepts and terminology.
- • Facility with UNIX command syntax and semantics.
- • Ability to read and understand specifications, scripts and programs.
- • Individual capability in problem solving using the tools presented within the class. Students will demonstrate a mastery of the course materials and concepts within in class discussions.
- • Documentation will demonstrate good organization and readability.
- • File processing projects will require data organization, problem solving and research.
- • Scripts and programs will demonstrate simple effective user interfaces.
- • Scripts and programs will demonstrate effective use of structured programming.
- • Scripts and programs will be accompanied by printed output demonstrating completion of a test plan.
- • Testing will demonstrate both black and glass box testing strategies.
- • Project work will involve group participation.
- • To understand how to solve complex problems
- • Analyze and design solutions to problems using object oriented approach
- • Study the notations of Unified Modeling Language
- • Ability to find solutions to the complex problems using object oriented approach
- • Represent classes, responsibilities and states using UML notation
- • Identify classes and responsibilities of the problem domain
- • To learn the principles of systematically designing and using large scale Database Management Systems for various applications.
- • Describe a relational database and object-oriented database.
- • Create, maintain and manipulate a relational database using SQL
- • Describe ER model and normalization for database design.
- • Examine issues in data storage and query processing and can formulate appropriate solutions.
- • Understand the role and issues in management of data such as efficiency, privacy, security, ethical responsibility, and strategic advantage.
- • Design and build database system for a given real world problem
• Study the basic concepts and functions of operating systems. - • Understand the structure and functions of OS.
- • Learn about Processes, Threads and Scheduling algorithms.
- • Understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks.
- • Learn various memory management schemes.
- • Study I/O management and File systems.
- • Learn the basics of Linux system and perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers
• Design various Scheduling algorithms.
• Apply the principles of concurrency.
• Design deadlock, prevention and avoidance algorithms.
• Compare and contrast various memory management schemes.
• Design and Implement a prototype file systems.
• Perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers
• Introduction to Android Operating System Internals - UNIFIED MODELING LAB
- • Construct UML diagrams for static view and dynamic view of the system.
- • Generate creational patterns by applicable patterns for given context.
- • Create refined model for given Scenario using structural patterns.
- • Construct behavioral patterns for given applications.
- • Understand the Case studies and design the Model.
- • Understand how design patterns solve design problems.
- • Develop design solutions using creational patterns.
- III-II Semester
• Understand state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures, and applications. - • Process of networking research • Constraints and thought processes for networking research
- • Problem Formulation—Approach—Analysis—
- • Understand OSI and TCP/IP models
- • Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologies
- • Design applications using internet protocols
- • Understand routing and congestion control algorithms
- • Understand how internet works
- • Students will be enabled to understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining.
- • They will learn how to analyze the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant models and algorithms to apply.
- • They will further be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and algorithms and to analyze their behavior.
- • Understand stages in building a Data Warehouse
- • Understand the need and importance of preprocessing techniques
- • Understand the need and importance of Similarity and dissimilarity techniques
- • Analyze and evaluate performance of algorithms for Association Rules.
- • Analyze Classification and Clustering algorithms
- OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
• Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms. - • Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.
- • Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.
- • Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.
- • Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations
- Students who complete the course will have demonstrated the ability to do the following:
• Argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and invariants. - • Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.
- • Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize divide-andconquer algorithms. Derive and solve recurrences describing the performance of divideand-conquer algorithms.
- • Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize dynamicprogramming algorithms, and analyze them.
- • Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize greedy algorithms, and analyze them.
- OBJECTIVE: Fundamentals for various testing methodologies.
• Describe the principles and procedures for designing test cases. - • Provide supports to debugging methods.
- • Acts as the reference for software testing techniques and strategies.
- • Understand the basic testing procedures.
• Able to support in generating test cases and test suites.
• Able to test the applications manually by applying different testing methods and automation tools. • Apply tools to resolve the problems in Real time environment - CYBER SECURITY (Open Elective)
- • The Cyber security Course will provide the students with foundational Cyber Security principles, Security architecture, risk management, attacks, incidents, and emerging IT and IS technologies.
- • Students will gain insight into the importance of Cyber Security and the integral role of Cyber Security professionals.
- • Cyber Security architecture principles
- • Identifying System and application security threats and vulnerabilities
- • Identifying different classes of attacks
- • Cyber Security incidents to apply appropriate response
- • Describing risk management processes and practices
- • Evaluation of decision making outcomes of Cyber Security scenarios
4-1 and 4-2 Semsters
IV-II Semester
• Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of distributed computer systems, assuming the availability of facilities for data transmission, IPC mechanisms in distributed systems, Remote procedure calls.
• Expose students to current technology used to build architectures to enhance distributed Computing infrastructures with various computing principles
• Develop a familiarity with distributed file systems.
• Describe important characteristics of distributed systems and the salient architectural features of such systems.
• Describe the features and applications of important standard protocols which are used in distributed systems.
• Gaining practical experience of inter-process communication in a distributed environment
*To familiarize with the process of management and to provide basic insight into select contemporary management practices
*To provide conceptual knowledge on functional management and strategic management.
*After completion of the Course the student will acquire the knowledge on management functions, global leadership and organizational behavior.
*Will familiarize with the concepts of functional management project management and strategic management.
• Familiarity with a set of well-known supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised
• learning algorithms.
• The ability to implement some basic machine learning algorithms
• Understanding of how machine learning algorithms are evaluated
• Recognize the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world
• Problems.
• Characterize machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and
• Unsupervised.
• Have heard of a few machine learning toolboxes.
• Be able to use support vector machines.
• Be able to use regularized regression algorithms.
• Understand the concept behind neural networks for learning non-linear functions.
• Improvement of students comprehension of CPP, new programming concepts, paradigms and idioms
• Change of ’mood’ regarding Concurrency counter-intuitiveness
• Proactive attitude: theoretical teaching shouldn’t be so dull
• Multipath, individually paced, stop–and–replay, personalized learning process
• Understanding improvement of CPP concepts presented
• The number of reinforcement–exercises assigned
• The time required for the resolution of exercises
• Compliance level with the new model of theoretical teaching